Do you take time out for yourself?
This month will be my second meditation retreat of the year. No screens, no calls, no emails.
Going on retreat is a vital way of taking time out for myself. By slowing down, living simply, eating well, reflecting and being close to nature, is my way of nourishing my heart and mind. It’s an opportunity to live fully, to take perspective on things and to grow. And when I do, I always have more to offer to others and the world, too.
Simplicity and contentment
For two weeks we will live simply, as a community, with respect for and appreciation of one another. We will meditate together, have silent periods and reflecting on themes like the inter-connectedness of all living beings, the impermanence of all things (that everything changes all of the time) and the theme of insubstantiality (that nothing is fixed or solid, that all life is in process, arising and passing away).
In stripping away the layers of busyness – in simplifying life - we can begin to lift the veil of mental clutter and see things more for what they really are. Herein lies contentment and freedom.
Away from distractions, commitments and input, we can experience ourselves and our life more fully, we can (re)-discover what really matters to us, particularly the small things. We can take a fresh perspective, see a little further into our life, discover new avenues, things we want to cherish more, things we want to change.
Taking time out for yourself
We are half way through this year. An opportunity to pause and to take some time out for yourself. It doesn’t have to be for two weeks or a retreat. There are many ways to take time out, for example, going for a long walk, sitting quietly in a natural space – the sea, the wood, a local park.
When you take time out, you might like to reflect on these questions:
What nourishes my heart?
What gives me energy?
What do I care most deeply about?
How do I want to show up in my life, to myself and others?
Ponder these questions with curiosity and open-heartedness.
Photo by EME
Taking time out in August
In August there will be no newsletter and blog. I will be visiting my family and friends in Hamburg, Germany. My mum, 83, loves when I come to visit. I also have three close friends from school and of course my 25-year old goddaughter. We’ve been very close ever since she was born. A real boon, even more so because I don’t have children of my own.
Time spent in my home country is another way of nourishing my heart.
If you need a little help to find out ways to take time out, to nourish your heart, why not book an initial complementary coaching session with me? Email me at